The Arc of Mississippi advocates on behalf of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities by supporting families, furthering the implementation of legislation on behalf of persons with disabilities, empowering self-advocates, identifying best practices and working within the system to affect change.
Member Chapter Services
Local chapters and their members are the grassroots of The Arc of Mississippi. These local chapters are the organizations that make a difference in their communities and it is the task of the state office to gather and distribute pertinent information in a timely manner.
Community Outreach
The mission of Community Outreach is to enhance Member and Chapter Services, give support to families and professionals, provide community education, and work within the system to bring about change. The Arc provides current information about the causes and prevention of intellectual and developmental disabilities by providing materials at schools, health fairs, trainings and our website. Community Outreach continues to develop and provide trainings for parents and professionals statewide.
Education Department
This department provides support to families of students in school settings. The education department provides trainings/presentations on IEP, 504, IDEA, Building Partnerships and other topics. The Education Department has been working on helping link individuals who are experiencing a transition with resources and services.
Yazoo Resource Center
The Yazoo Resource Center provides information and services for citizens with disabilities in Yazoo City.
Parent & Professional Training
Our office provides training to parents, parent groups, providers and professionals on a variety of topics. The Arc also partners with state agencies and advocacy groups to implement promising practices.
Topics include:
Inclusion in the Community/Life in the Community
Rights of Individuals with Developmental Disabilities/Human Rights
Self Advocacy/Self Determination/Person Directed Planning
Individual Supports/Service Coordination
Social Relationships/Sexuality
Working with Families
Disability Awareness
Public Policy Education
The Arc provides literature and input into public policy by serving on various councils, boards and governmental agency task forces. By bringing awareness to policy makers, The Arc can lend a voice to affect change. Through our Legislative Training we can help familiarize people with the process of how a bill becomes a law. Our website is a valuable tool in maintaining a strong, unified, widespread voice concerning legislation that impacts people with disabilities. The Arc of Mississippi has also added an internet tool to our Public Policy page that links you to your legislators. This enables individuals to express their concerns to policy makers.
Direct course
2,500 people in MS have enrolled in the College of Direct Support, 60,000+ lessons have been completed, 500+ graduates. National credentialing is now available for direct support professionals. Enrollment in the College of Direct Support is available to anyone who interacts with persons with disabilities. To view more about the College of Direct Support go to www.collegeofdirectsupport.com. For more information about direct professionals go to NADSP.org. This training is appropriate for families, health care professionals, home and community based waiver providers, regional centers, community mental health providers, teachers, paraprofessionals, case management, and many other professions. CDS courses meet Mississippi Department of Mental Health requirements for direct care. CDS courses meet the Mississippi Division of Medicaid and subsequent home and community based waiver services requirements. There is now a bachelor's degree program on disability that fits nicely with the direct support profession. It is all on line for busy people.
Community Transition Services (CTS)
The Mississippi Division of Medicaid now offers the CTS program for people who live in congregate settings. The Arc of Mississippi plays an important role in the development and implementation of this important program.
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